About Us

Sinditech was founded at 2018,organized by a group of skilled technical expert and professionals. We are fully engaging in industrial factory designing, EPC engineering.hi-tech heavy duty equipment import and export, overseas maintenance ,technical service and training ,etc ,serving different industrial fields .


Sinditech was founded at 2018,organized by a group of skilled technical expert and professionals. We are fully engaging in industrial factory designing, EPC engineering.hi-tech heavy duty equipment import and export, overseas maintenance ,technical service and training ,etc ,serving different industrial fields . Our main business focus on four sectors:

• Sugar and Cement Engineering EPC

• Overseas Industrial Heavy Duty Equipment Maintenance Service

• Overseas Industrial Supply Chain

• Business Consultancy


Sinditech provides 38 categories and more than 500 sub-categories of products for customers in African different countries, covering more than 8,000 varieties of products, such as agricultural machinery, construction machinery, sugar machinery, electrical,  hardware, tires, wear-resistant parts, valves, pumps and boilers.


Through Strategic Collaboration with Industrial Universities, Institutes, China Light Industry Co.,Ltd and China GDE Engineering Co.,Ltd . Sinditech shares the big data base of the projects that designed ,developed and constructed Globally by Chinese Top Industrial Design and Engineering organizations , which benefited all customers with more accurate parts scouring and upgrading projects . Sinditech is deeply engaged in the African industrial product market and serves four major industries, formed a perfect  product supply chain and technical service system, covering the following sectors:

• Sugar Factory Supply Chain

• Gauge Railway Supply Chain

• Cement Factory Supply Chain

• Steel Factory Supply Chain


SINDITECH has a persistent corporate mission that is demonstrated in its brand mark. SIN-is a Chinese Letter , means Prosperity.DI- Refers to Africa. TECH is A short form of Technology . We are aiming to:“Bring Prosperity to Africa with Technology" . Do all for our customers. Help our employees succeed on the job and in life.

  • 30+

    Manufacturing Experience

  • 400K+

    Factory Area

  • 10+

    Products Certification

  • 80+

    Type Of Production

We are aiming to:

Bring Prosprity to Africa with Technology

  • 01 Vision

    To build a first-class enterprise, to foster first-class talent and to make first-class contributions to the society.

  • 02 Mission

    Bring Prosprity to Africa with Technology

  • 03 Value

    Loyality, quality and punctuality

  • 04 Management Philosophy

    Do all for our customers. Help our employees succeed on the job and in life.


We Have Been Providing Excellent Service And Supplying Quality Products Since 2014.

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We Have Been Providing Excellent Service And Supplying Quality Products Since 2014.

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