Core Equipment and P roducts 03

April 07, 2022

Short-stress path rolling mill 

The NHCD standardised short-stress path rolling mill has been developed to 15 specifications.

Around 1,500 sets of NHCD mills for over 70 rolling lines in China and overseas are showing world- class performance indicators.

Universal mill

Our UMCD standardised housing universal mill and NHUM standardised short-stress path universal mill are creating tailored solutions for efficiency and energy-saving in the production of building section steels.

Seamless tube mill

We have designed, package-supplied and built (to an EPC- basis) a dozen seamless tube mills and lines. The equipment precision and product quality are top in China and rival those of world-class suppliers.

High-speed, high-precision cold mill

Our 6-hi, 5-stand cold tandem mill operates at a maximum speed of 1 , 500m/min. The final product rolled from this mill train features a thickness precision to within minus/plus 0.5 per cent and a profile precision of less than 5| unit.